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Fruit & Veggie Popsicles

August 1, 2012

Insider's Viewpoint: Expert Supermarket Advice: Fruit & Veggie Popsicles. Jennifer Egeland. Dietitian and Natural Foods Buyer, Hen House Markets. Fruits And Veggies More


Are you looking for a way to eat more fruits and veggies and stay cool? You have probably heard about real fruit popsicles, but what about adding veggies to the summertime treat? Veggie popsicles can be a fun and colorful way to give your family an extra serving of vegetables. These homemade versions of the popular summertime pleasure are nutritious because they are made from whole fruits and veggies, and you leave out the added sugar!


What You Need Fresh fruits and veggies, blender, 100% juice or water, popsicle molds or ice cube trays, and a freezer.


First, pick out your favorite fruit and veggie combinations and add to a blender with a little 100% juice or water, so it blends smoothly. After blending, add to popsicle mold and freeze several hours until frozen.


Also try your favorite smoothie recipe. Use your imagination to create your favorite concoction! The flavor combinations are endless, and you can make them to suit your family’s taste.


Here’s my favorite recipe to get you started on your popsicle adventure …


Pineapple-Mango Popsicles



Blend water and spinach until smooth. Add mango, pineapple, and banana. Blend until smooth. Pour into popsicle molds, freeze several hours until frozen. Enjoy.


Try This! Layer different colors of fruit or veggie mixtures …


Jennifer Egeland, RD LD
Dietitian and Natural Foods Buyer
Hen House Markets

Healthy Meal Planning & Shopping for Fruits & Vegetables
Fruit & Vegetable Recipes
What Fruits & Vegetables Are In Season?
Video Center: Selection, Storage, and Preparation of Fruits & Vegetables.

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