Every Time You Eat, Have A Plant®

Happy National Fruits & Veggies Month! This year’s theme, Every Time You Eat, Have A Plant®, offers an opportunity to think about how every time we pack lunch, shop, order, snack or brunch we can remember to Have A Plant® to elevate our taste buds and our mood!

We know from behavioral science that if we want someone to do something it has to be easy. When something makes you feel good, you want to do it again. When something tastes good, you want to eat it again. This is where we can tap into moments that are already happening, so it’s easy for everyone! We all have our staple, go-to meals – whether it’s tacos, pasta, burgers or breakfast for dinner. Let’s lean into those automatic meals and add one (or two) more things – fruits and veggies. Essentially, Every Time You Eat, Have A Plant®! Here are some easy ways you can do so:

Every Time You Host, Have A Plant®

We’re all about a plant-packed party! Find some inspiration for your next get-together below.

Every Time You Brunch, Have A Plant®

If you’re a brunch fan, you’ll love these tips for upleveling your plate with fruits and veggies.

Every Time You Toast, Have A Plant®

If you want to spice up your toast game, here’s some fantastic toppings to keep on hand, along with a couple super tasty recipes.

Every Time You Taco, Have A Plant®

Tacos are the perfect vessel for fruits and veggies! Check a few fun twists on tacos, along with a soup for those chillier nights ahead.

There are countless eating occasions that occur throughout our days, weeks, months. Always asking, “What fruit or veggie can I add to this?” is a surefire way to up your intake! So, whether you’re packing lunch, shopping, ordering, snacking or brunching you’ll remember to Have A Plant®.

Fruits and veggies also serve as a deeply-rooted connection point for many – whether that is connecting with the farmers and growers who care for our food from the ground up or using food to connect with our loved ones. By keeping plants top of mind and at the center of our plates, not only are we Celebrating The Roots Of Our Food, but we’re also boosting our health and happiness. And who doesn’t want more of that?!

Follow along on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channels and let’s build the #haveaplant and #NFVM2022 hype this September!

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