Quick Guide to Getting MORE Fruits & Vegetables
Check out these surefire ways to add MORE fruits and veggies to your day!
As you cruise the grocery aisles, remember all forms count. Pick up fruits and veggies throughout the store; it’s okay to grab canned and frozen. Try dried as well! And of course, 100% juice.
Shopping for Fruits & Vegetables Guide
Getting more fruits and vegetables in at dinner doesn’t have to be a struggle. Hey, why not add fruits and vegetables to the meals you are already making? How Smart!
Or, make a meal starring just fruits and vegetables.
Family Dinner with Fruits & Vegetables Guide
Eating on the go can feel chaotic, but it’s easy to include more fruits and vegetables away from home.
Check our easy to prepare ideas and tips to avoid last minute sugary, high-fat snacks and meals that can really slow you down.
Eating Fruits & Vegetables On The Go Guide
What better way to boost that brain power than to fuel those bodies with healthy fruits and veggies.
Here are a few tips to make your kids the envy of the lunchroom!
Back To School with Fruits and Vegetables Guide
Fruits and veggies don’t need to break the bank. Get Smart!
It’s easy to include more without spending more. Remember, all forms count, so look for weekly specials throughout the store and try these other tips for including MORE.
Fruits & Vegetables On A Budget Guide
When you’re entertaining – or being entertained – it’s so easy to check those good habits at the door. You look Smart! Why not act Smart, too? With a little creativity, your treats will be the talk of the town!
Entertaining with Fruits & Vegetables Guide