Shopping for Fruits & Vegetables
As you cruise the grocery aisles, remember all forms count. Pick up fruits and veggies throughout the store; it’s okay to grab canned and frozen. Try dried as well! And of course, 100% juice. It’s easier to use more fruits and vegetables when you have them on hand, so make the most of all those aisles.
Top chef: Not you—your kids! Have them select the fruits and vegetables to be featured in meals for the week.
Don’t spoil your week when it’s just beginning: Prevent early spoilage by using perishable produce at the beginning of the week and frozen or canned selections at the end.
Scavenger hunt: To get the kids involved, let them pick different colors for the meal each week. Find those colors in a variety of fruits and vegetables for new creations.
Make it an adventure: Focus on variety—choose a different fruit and vegetable each week from the produce section or freezer case. Select canned and dried choices to mix it up!
The ABC’s of produce: For those kids still learning to read, serve letters of the alphabet. Serve apples, avocados and apricots on letter “A” day and bananas, broccoli, and butternut squash on “B” days!