National Fruits & Veggies Month Toolkit 2022
Ideas For Produce Pros
PBH is committed to making it easy for everyone to join in on the fun this National Fruits & Veggies Month (NFVM)! Are you communicating directly with consumers? Help us elevate consumption to a national priority this September by taking part in one or more of these simple action items:
- Create and schedule at least one social media post on your company or personal social media channels.
- Post weekly on your social channels, showing extra love for NFVM, if your channels allow it. You can use sample social media posts from this toolkit in the Get The Creative section or create your own!
- Use the hashtags #haveaplant and #NFVM2022 on all of your social posts. Leveraging these hashtags elevates your content and pulls it into the bigger social conversations.
- Use one of the images from our Get The Creative section as an ad or promo graphic in your consumer-facing newsletter. Link it to
- Post about NFVM on your personal or company LinkedIn pages to increase awareness and show your personal commitment to improving fruit and vegetable consumption in America.
- Highlight NFVM as a theme for your consumer-facing media opportunities this month. Do you have a regular broadcast segment or podcast scheduled for September? Use NFVM as the lead for this month’s topic.
Looking to do more? You already have a amazing content featuring fruits and vegetables since you are a produce pro. If you are looking to create NEW content, check out these four content pillars below for additional inspiration. These ideas were inspired by behavioral science, which is the type of content that is resonating with consumers today. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Don’t forget to use the hashtags #haveaplant and #NFVM2022 in all of your posts.
Just because you have a fruit and veggie shopping habit, doesn’t mean you have a consumption habit. How can we tap into current habits to create new fruit or veggie habits? Leverage September as an opportunity to try new things: try a new fruit or veggie you never had before; or add one more to a meal you already know and love. Consider these ideas:
- Do you have a tip for how to make something you love easy? Share it with your followers!
- Offer tips for how to select, store, serve or savor that gives consumers an “A-Ha! Moment.” Again, if it’s easy, they just might DO it!
Back To Basics
We know from behavioral science that if we want someone to do something it has to be easy. This September, let’s get back to our roots – back to the basics – and tap into moments that are already happening, so it doesn’t feel that hard. Whether it’s pizza night or just a regular friend or family meal gathering, up your fruit and veggie game during already-established routines. Hint Hint: It’s also National Family Meals Month! Consider these ideas:
- Tap into social standards like 30-Minute Meal Monday, Taco Tuesday, Whip It Up Wednesday, Thirsty Thursday and $5 Dinner Friday to show meals, snacks and drinks that include more fruits and veggies.
- Encourage consumers to add fruits and veggies to things they already eat: eggs, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, tacos, etc.
- Offer tips on basic fruit and veggie staples, inclusive of all cultures (i.e. beans, bok choy and plantains).
- Leverage National Family Meals Month to tell your story within the context of NFVM. After all, people eat more healthfully when they eat together and there are also positive behaviors associated with this experience.
According to a recent PBH behavioral science survey, consumers who learned of a new fruit or veggie hack were more likely to #haveaplant more often. Help us turn hacks into habits by sharing your ideas. Consider these ideas:
- Provide quick how-to videos on how to cut or prepare specific fruits and veggies.
- Show a hack for how to make produce last longer.
- Show a unique application for canned or frozen produce that might save you a step. Time is just as valuable as the price you pay for the product!
While farmers and growers work tirelessly to grow and deliver some of the most healthful and beneficial foods on the planet, we all do our best every day to help people eat and enjoy more fruits and veggies for better health and happiness. Consumers want to be part of the handoff. Giving consumers ownership in seeing it through just might make them actually get the produce into their bellies instead of letting it go to waste! Together, let’s feature farmer and grower stories, show how produce gets from the field to the table, and talk about how to best select, store and savor fruits and veggies – and how to feel good while doing so. Consider these ideas:
- Create a connection to agriculture: share farmer and grower stories that demonstrate the care that goes into growing them (e.g. A day in the life of an onion).
- Let’s address the elephant in the room: food waste. Show how to minimize food waste with prepping and storing techniques (remember those hacks and habits we talked about before?) People are going to want to eat it after they’ve taken care of it themselves and feel good about doing it since it’s not going to waste.
- Fruit & Veggie Care is Self-Care. Do your favorite produce items go into self-care products for better skin, better hair, better mood? The topic possibilities are endless!
Visit the GET THE CREATIVE tab at the top of the page to find graphics, sample social media posts and more! And remember to #NFVM2022 and #haveaplant all your awesome posts!