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Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2013

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012. Fruits And Veggies More

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Save money by eating more fruits & veggies! Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgSave money by eating more fruits & veggies!

        A new study released by the USDA found that an adult on a 2,000-calorie diet could satisfy recommendations for fruits and vegetables at an average of $2 to $2.50 per day, or about 50 cents per one-cup serving. Money-Saving Tip Sheet | Read More about the Study

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Fill half your plate with fruits & veggies. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgFill half your plate with fruits & veggies

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Get 150 minutes of exercise per week. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgGet 150 minutes of exercise per week

        Getting 30 minutes of exercise five (5) days a week is not realistic for many people. As with any New Year’s resolution … the more realistic, the better! So, break it up to fit your lifestyle. For example, do 75 minutes of exercise for two (2) days a week or three (3) 1-hour sessions a week. See Our Exercise Guide

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Have a family dinner at least 2 nights per week. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgHave a family dinner at least 2 nights per week

        The statistics are clear: Kids who dine with the folks are healthier, happier and better students, which is why a dying tradition is coming back. To stimulate positive family relationships, healthier meals, and new traditions start making family meals a priority! 19 Easy Family Meal Makeover Ideas

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Try a vegetarian recipe once a week. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgTry a vegetarian recipe once a week

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Go green. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgGo green

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Get your kids excited about fruits & veggies! Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgGet your kids excited about fruits & veggies!

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Become a healthier cook. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgBecome a healthier cook

        Cooking is a great way to use your creative juices and turn them in to food masterpieces. Our featured healthy plates provide tasty meals that help you meet your daily fruit & veggie recommendations.
        See Unhealthy/Healthy Plate Comparisons | Top 10 Healthy Ways to Cook

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Eat one more fruit or vegetable each day. Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgEat ONE MORE fruit or vegetable each day

        Taking one step at a time to transform unhealthy eating habits into nutritious ones is the best way to make the transition to a healthier diet! Take the pledge to eat one more fruit or vegetable each day.

Top 10 Realistic Resolutions for 2012: Become an expert at planning! Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgBecome an expert at planning!

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