Portion Control
Research shows that people unintentionally consume more calories when faced with larger portions. This can mean significant excess calorie intake, especially when eating high-calorie foods. Ask anyone who has achieved long-term weight loss how they did it and they’ll most likely mention portion control. In fact, it can make or break your weight loss efforts.
At Home
- Serve food on individual plates instead of putting the bowls on the table.
- Eat small frequent meals (4 to 6) or have a glass of water or some fruits/vegetables about a half an hour before a meal.
- Be aware of serving sizes on packages. Many individual meals are actually 2 servings or more!
- Use a bowl for your snack instead of just grabbing from a bag or container.
- Divide fruits, vegetables, and other foods into bags so that you easily know how much you’re eating.
Eating Out
- When you are first served your meal, wrap half to take home.
- Order the smaller portion options from the menu (or from the kids menu!).
- Drink water right before you eat your meal.
- Eat slowly! You’ll realize you are full sooner than if you just scarf down your food!
- Don’t ‘super-size’ … EVER!
Check This Out! Portion Distortion Quiz
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