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A Resolution You Can Easily Keep!

Insider's Viewpoint: Expert Supermarket Advice: A New Year’s Resolution You Can Easily Keep! Jennifer Egeland, Dietitian/Natural Foods Buyer, Hen House Markets. Fruits And Veggies More

It is that time of year again, to make a resolution to start off the New Year. Let’s make 2015 the year you can keep your resolution all year long!

Many people decide to pick a resolution to help them change a bad habit. Deciding to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables can help you reach several healthy goals, such as to lose weight, stay healthy and have more energy to do all the activities you want to fit into your day! For many people, making half your plate fruits and vegetables every time you eat may seem very difficult.

Here’s an easy plan that will help you meet your half plate resolution …

  1. Breakfast. Drink 4 oz of 100% juice, fruit or vegetable. If you have hot or cold cereal or yogurt, top with ½ cup of berries or bananas. You have started the day on the right track.
  2. Lunch. Try a salad, either as a meal or side dish. Watch out for any heavy dressings on the salad and you’re good to go!
  3. Afternoon Snack. Try trail mix with dried fruit or a piece of fruit such as an apple, orange or banana.
  4. Dinner. Dinnertime is an easy way to get in fruits and vegetables. For quick side dish options, microwave a bag of frozen vegetables (peas, carrots, mixed vegetables) and have a can of fruit (pears, peaches or fruit cocktail).
  5. Snacks. If you really love sweets, eat fruit for a dessert. Try berries with a dollop of whip cream or a small piece of dark chocolate.

Keeping fruits and vegetables on hand is vital to making half your plate fruits & veggies each and every day. Buy a variety of fruits and vegetables so you don’t get bored. Remember all forms of produce count: dried, fresh, 100% juice, canned and frozen.

Items like spaghetti sauce, tomato-based soups, and beans all help you reach your half plate goal as well. But don’t despair if you don’t meet your half plate of fruits and veggies goal at one meal – do so at the next. It’s like a new start at every meal. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

Jennifer Egeland, RD LD
Dietitian/Natural Foods Buyer
Hen House Markets

Healthy Meal Planning & Shopping for Fruits & Vegetables

Fruit & Vegetable Recipes
Video Center: Selection, Storage, and Preparation of Fruits & Vegetables.

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