Fruits and vegetables make the news every day! So visit our Fruit & Vegetable Daily News page often to stay abreast of the latest fruit and vegetable research, policy and health news! Disclaimer

  • White Fruits & Veggies Fight Back Against Stroke Read More
  • High Fruit and Vegetable Intake Linked to Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Read More
  • Study Confirms Broccoli & Other Vegetables Prevent, Target, & Kill Cancer Cells Read More
  • The Health Impact of Sodium and Potassium Read More
  • USDA Replaces MyPyramid with Healthy MyPlate Icon Read More
  • Eating Berries May Lower Risk of Parkinson’s Disease Read More
  • Dietary Guidelines Recommend Filling Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables Read More
  • Study Says Eat More Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthy Heart Read Our Press Release & ABC News Reports

  • Despite Focus on Importance of Eating More Fruits & Vegetables, Federal Spending Falls Short Read Our Findings

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