Symphony of Fruit PizzaPreparation time: 10 minutes

1 english muffin
2 tablespoons whipped fat-free strawberry cream cheese
1/3 cup strawberries, sliced
¼ cup red grapes, quartered
¼ cup canned mandarin oranges, drained

Instructions: Toast the english muffin until golden brown. Spread cream cheese on toasted muffin.

Arrange sliced strawberries, grapes, and orange slices

on top of the cream cheese.

Slice into quarters and “yummy – fruit pizza!”


Nutrition Information per serving: calories: 228, total fat: 1.3g, saturated fat: 0g, % calories from fat: 5%, % calories from saturated fat: 0%, protein: 10g, carbohydrates: 46g, cholesterol: 5mg, dietary fiber: 4g, sodium: 374mg

Each serving provides: An excellent source of vitamins A and C, and a good source of folate and fiber.


Recipe is courtesy of Produce for Better Health Foundation and Shoney’s, Inc. This recipe meets PBH and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) nutrition standards that maintain fruits and vegetables as healthy foods.

Recipe from the Cool Fuel for Kids cookbook.

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