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Are resources available to obtain free or low discount fruit and vegetables?


Depending on where you live there are a few options to help you provide fruits and veggies free or at low cost for you and your family.

  1. Many churches coordinate programs to provide food for those in need.
  2. Local food banks.  A local food bank has a fruit and veggie program in the DC area.
  3. The Food Trust.
  4. Local soup kitchens.
  5. Visit our Community Happenings section to see if there is a community event going on around you—you can search by zip code!  You may also find your daughter’s school can help meet her daily recommendation of fruits and vegetables.
  6. Search for local food assistance events on the internet.

Fruits and vegetables provide lots of beneficial compounds to promote a healthy life. Remember, all forms of fruits and veggies—fresh, frozen, canned, dried and 100% fruit—count towards your daily recommendation. Our 30 Ways in 30 Days Challenge provides a month’s worth of menus to fit any budget! Shopping for fruits and vegetables in season is usually the cheapest time to buy them. Also, planning is very important in providing the most nutritious meal for your family on a fixed budget. Top 10 Meal Planning & Shopping Tips.

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