Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Leeks

Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Leeks. Fruits And Veggies More

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Roast ‘em. Clean and halve a couple of leeks then add them to your next pot roast or pan of roasted vegetables. Or for a great side dish, drizzle the halves with a little olive oil … roast … and enjoy! Fruits And Veggies More Roast ‘em. Clean and halve a couple of leeks then add them to your next pot roast or pan of roasted vegetables. Or for a great side dish, drizzle the halves with a little olive oil … roast … and enjoy!

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Pasta w/ Spinach and Smoked Sausage Recipe: Fruits And Veggies More The Main Dish. Pasta w/ Spinach and Smoked Sausage is a delicious way to
try leeks for the first time!

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Season Beans. Add a delicious and unique flavor to your beans by tossing in some sliced leeks as they cook Fruits And Veggies More Season Beans. Add a delicious and unique flavor while cooking your beans by tossing in some sliced leeks.

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Add to Salad. Enjoy raw leeks as part of your favorite green salad. Fruits And Veggies More Add to Salad. Enjoy raw leeks as part of your favorite green salad.

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Serve Cold. Use leeks to make the French soup vichyssoise, a potato and leek soup that’s traditionally served cold. Fruits And Veggies More Serve Cold. Use leeks to make the French soup vichyssoise, a potato and leek soup that’s traditionally served cold.

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: A New Quiche. If you’re tired of the usual Sunday brunch, try a leek and Roquefort quiche. This combination results in a rich and flavorful dish with delectable consistency. Toss about 5 leeks and 4 oz. of Roquefort into your basic recipe and enjoy.Fruits And Veggies More A New Quiche. Try a leek and Roquefort quiche. This combination results in a flavorful dish with delectable consistency. Toss 5 leeks and 4 oz. of Roquefort into your basic quiche recipe and enjoy! [For less fat and calories, use egg whites only and less cheese.]

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Garnish! Dice or thinly slice leeks then sprinkle these onto a salad or soup for an attractive (and nutritious!) garnish. Fruits And Veggies More Garnish! Dice or thinly slice leeks then sprinkle these onto a salad or soup for an attractive (and nutritious!) garnish.

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Roasted Herbed Artichokes with Leeks Recipe: Fruits And Veggies More An Elegant Side. Roasted Herbed Artichokes with Leeks is a great way to serve an elegant side dish that’s easy to prepare.

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Mash or Layer. Add leeks to your mashed or scalloped potatoes. To mash: dice the white part of 2 leeks and add to the potatoes as they begin to boil. To scallop: layer them into your favorite recipe.  Fruits And Veggies More Mash or Layer. Add leeks to your mashed or scalloped potatoes. To mash: dice the white part of 2 leeks and add to the potatoes as they begin to boil. To scallop: layer them into your favorite recipe.

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Leeks: Soups & Stews. For a slightly different flavor, add leeks to soups or stews at the same cooking stage as you would onions.  Fruits And Veggies More Matters.orgSoups & Stews. For a slightly different flavor, add leeks to soups or stews at the same cooking stage as you would onions.
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