MyPlate Celebrates One Year

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we threw away the measuring cups and stopped struggling to figure out if we were really getting our required amount of fruits and veggies at every meal.  This month we celebrate the first birthday of MyPlate, the icon representing the USDA dietary guidelines, which recommend filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables.  Yes, it’s been one year since moms like me breathed a collective sigh of relief–how simple–I’ll just make it half the plate!

Seriously though, MyPlate has really made it easy for people to figure out if they’re eating enough fruits and veggies each day.  Who really has time to measure out portions with busy schedules and such?  Not only does it make it easy for moms, but kids are also able to understand it.  I’ve participated in a number of social media chats this past year and heard many moms talk about how their children are able to reproduce a MyPlate healthy plate themselves with ease.

Since the launch of MyPlate a year ago, Fruits & Veggies–More Matters has done a lot with promoting the concept.  To help consumers learn how to create plates that are tasty, interesting and meet the MyPlate guidelines, a series of featured healthy plates were created.  These plates provide recipe info, nutrition info, plate cost and a grocery list–everything you need to recreate each healthy plate.  And, with recipes like Asian Mango & Chicken Wraps or Mushroom Steak Fajitas, you’ll forget you’re eating healthy!

Maybe your plate just needs a bit of tweaking.  In that case, you can give it a MyPlate “makeover” with real plate before and after photos.  Fruits & Veggies–More Matters takes an unhealthy version of a dish, like pizza, and gives it a makeover so that it fits into the MyPlate guidelines.  Don’t worry–you’ll get all the info you need to recreate the healthy version (recipe, nutrition, plate cost and grocery list).

So join me in celebrating the birthday of MyPlate and making it a bit easier for us to understand how many fruits and veggies we should be eating each day.  If MyPlate is new to you, PBH has some great resources via their Nutrition Education Catalog you might find helpful.  Trust me–filling half your plate is so much easier than worrying about measuring cups!

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