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Can You Lose Weight With The Morning Banana Diet?

What Is It?

The Morning Banana Diet, also known as the Asa Banana Diet, was created by a Japanese pharmacist to help her husband lose weight. By following the simple plan of eating a banana every morning, he dropped 38 pounds. Word spread like wildfire about this new magical diet and soon stores across Japan couldn’t keep bananas on the shelves.

The Rules Of The Morning Banana Diet:

  • Eat a raw banana and a glass of room temperature water for breakfast. You may substitute for a different kind of fruit, if you prefer.
  • If you would like something else afterwards, wait 15-30 minutes and then eat anything you like.
  • Eat a normal lunch or dinner. Focus on your hunger and fullness levels during meals. Eat until you are 80% full.
  • Have only one snack per day, in the afternoon.
  • It is recommended to avoid dairy, caffeine, alcohol and ultra-processed foods on this diet.
  • Water is the suggested beverage of choice.
  • Do not eat anything after 8pm.
  • Keep a food journal.

There is currently no clear evidence of a banana’s weight-loss abilities compared to any other fruit or vegetable. All fruits and vegetables can promote a healthy weight because they are low in calories, they contain fiber to keep your stomach satisfied, and provide you with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

How Effective Is This Diet?

You could lose weight simply because you are eating fewer calories. At this time, there have not been any research studies done to show that this diet is effective. There has only been anecdotal evidence and testimonials so far.

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables as part of your daily routine is beneficial to both your physical and mental health. Try to aim to Have A Plant® Every Time You Eat! For inspo browse our plant-packed recipes and curated content series.


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