First Place Prize

Nicholle Harrison Rome, GA

I have struggled with my 8 and 4 year old girls on getting them to eat their vegetables. One day we were grocery shopping in the produce aisle and my 4 year old asked me "mom, what is this?" I saw the opportunity. Now we have a Miss Vegetable pageant at our house every week. I buy three vegetables and we talk about them, learn about how they are grown, where they are grown and what they do for our bodies. Then, over the week, I prepare a dish with them and on Friday we vote. We even have a little sash and crown that we put on the "winner" vegetable. Not only do my girls LOVE this idea and love the "pageant" but they learn about the benefits of each vegetable and a little geography about where it comes from, etc. We have had Miss Asparagus, Miss Squash and Miss Carrot. I will do the same with fruits when we get more into the season, but this has been a great way of exposing my children to a wide variety of vegetables (bok choy was runner up one time!!) and they have had a great time eating vegetables!!

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