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About The Buzz: Parent’s Education Level Affects Kids’ Diets?

TheBUZZ Parent’s education level affects kids’ diets?

There may be a correlation between parental education levels and the nutritional quality of their children’s diet.


It is well known that school-aged children learn by observing others. Peers, parents and guardians have an impact on the health and lifestyle of a child. Your children learn by watching and observing you, from how you comb your hair to how you eat your pasta. They will mimic your behaviors as they learn from you. Therefore, healthy foods at home being enjoyed by mothers, fathers, guardians, and siblings will have the greatest impact on your child’s healthy lifestyle!


A recent study examined 15,000 children aged 2 to 9, in eight European countries. Researchers were looking for a relationship between the education level of the parents and the nutritional quality of the children’s diets. They discovered that children of parents with low to moderate levels of education ate fewer fruits and vegetables. These children also consumed more processed foods and sugary beverages. Children from parents with higher education backgrounds were more likely to have a diet with more nutritional value, featuring fruits, vegetables and whole-grain bread products.*


Remember, actions can sometimes speak louder than words! Be a role model for your children and be positive about fruits and veggies! Make eating fruits and vegetables part of your daily balanced diet, then help your children learn the importance of good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. One of the best ways to learn is by doing. Play an interactive game with your children that combines learning and fun!

Get kids involved in meal preparation! Our kid-friendly recipes are the perfect way to engage them in learning while having fun. It creates an opportunity to teach children about the science, math and different cultures of food, and also about healthy eating habits.

An advanced degree is not necessary to ensure your child is leading a healthy lifestyle. There are resources available to help educate you and your family on ways to increase the nutrition quality of your diet. Sign up for our newsletter and get monthly recipes, nutrition facts, and other tools to keep your family happy and healthy.


Bammann, Karin, Gianvincenzo Barba, Gabriele Eiben, et al. “Parental Education and Frequency of Food Consumption in European Children: The IDEFICS Study.” Public Health Nutrition. Mar. 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. View Article

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