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About The Buzz: The Cabbage Soup Diet Is The Best Way to Lose Weight?

TheBUZZ The Cabbage Soup Diet is the best way to lose weight?

Eating a diet that focuses on cabbage soup, fruits, and vegetables can help you lose up to 10 pounds in seven days.


Guess what … it’s another fad diet! Fad diets vow to help you lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time, which is why they’re so popular. However, most of the time they’re not supported by medical research and they can be risky to your health.

The Cabbage Soup Diet has several basic characteristics that are part of any effective dieting regimen and each of the seven days has specific recommendations. Some of the key messages include …

    • Eat as much cabbage soup as you like
    • Drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea
    • Include lots of vegetables in your soup
    • Snack on fruits and vegetables throughout the day
    • Drink “loads” of skim milk on one of the days

There is currently no evidence that cabbage is superior to any other vegetable in promoting weight loss.


A healthy and effective weight loss program includes losing 1-2 pounds per week (the Cabbage Soup Diet promotes that you will lose 10 pounds!). This should be your first sign that this is a fad diet.

While the Cabbage Soup Diet has strict recommendations to follow throughout the week, it still holds true to many characteristics of a healthy eating regimen. So what you can take away from this diet is a few key concepts that are part of a healthy way of eating …

    • Drink lots of water
    • Don’t deprive yourself, otherwise you’ll probably over-indulge
    • Add bulk and flavor to your meals with seasonings, fruits and vegetables
    • Fruits, vegetables (including cabbage), and whole grain products contain lots of fiber, which is important in keeping your stomach feeling satisfied longer
    • Choose fruit and vegetable juices without added sweeteners
      (100% fruit/vegetable juice)


Eating fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet promotes weight loss and maintenance! There are several keys to successfully maintaining your weight: eating slowly, knowing when you’re full, and eating foods that are high in fiber (such as fruits and vegetables).

There are always going to be fad diets with outrageous weight loss claims! The best thing for you to do is to maintain a healthy lifestyle each and every day equipped with nutritious foods and physical activity. All fruits and vegetables can promote a healthy weight because they are low in calories, they contain fiber to keep your stomach satisfied, and they replace high-fat and high-sugar foods that can lead to weight gain!

Instead of “dieting” just focus on including more fruits and vegetables in every meal and snack! And if you’re curious about fruit and vegetable serving sizes, just fill half your plate with fruits and veggies every time you eat a meal and you’ll be well on your way to your daily recommendation.

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