Let’s Move! Campaign
The Let’s Move! campaign was inspired by the fact that the obesity rate in children has tripled over the past 30 years, and their expected lifespan is now less than their parents! Michelle Obama along with the Department of Education, the USDA, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services wanted to put a stop to this trend.
Produce For Better Health Foundation supported this effort and through our Fruits & Veggies—More Matters initiative, we helped and so did you!
Here are some of the successes …
February 2016: The 2016 Healthy Lunchtime Challenge is Here! The First Lady is once again teaming up with PBS flagship station WGBH Boston, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to host the fifth annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge to promote cooking and healthy eating among young people across the nation. Check It Out
October 2015: Fall White House Kitchen Garden Harvest First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed students from Washington, DC to participate in the annual Fall White House Kitchen Garden Harvest. The students enjoyed harvesting greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, and other colorful vegetables. Check It Out
July 2015: 2015 Kids’ State Dinner First Lady Michelle Obama teamed up with PBS flagship station WGBH Boston, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to host the fourth-annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge to promote cooking and healthy eating among young people across the nation. See Behind the Scenes Judging
April 2015: Have You Learned the #GimmeFive Dance? The First Lady joined Ellen DeGeneres and the So You Think You Can Dance All Stars a few weeks ago to debut the #GimmeFive dance for the fifth anniversary of Let’s Move!. Check Out The Tutorial
Jan 2014: Evaluation of the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools Initiative A recent study of the Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools (LMSB2S) campaign found that salad bars increased students’ access to fresh fruits and vegetables, increased student participation in the school lunch program, reduced plate waste and are complemented by other health promotion activities in school.See Evaluation Results
Oct 30, 2013: Sesame Street Characters join First Lady to Announce a Commitment to Promote Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption to Kids First Lady Michelle Obama was joined by Sesame Street’s Elmo and Rosita to announce that Sesame Workshop and the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) joined the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) in a two-year agreement to help promote fresh fruit and vegetable consumption to kids, making those healthy choices a little easier for busy parents and families to make. Visit Let’s Move!
Sep 5, 2012: Let’s Move! Healthy Hunger-Free Kid’s Act will be implemented in schools this year! It assures parents and guardians that their children are receiving healthy, well-balanced meals in school.Visit Let’s Move!
Jun 29, 2011: Let’s Move! Child Care is a new effort to work with child and day care providers to help our youngest children get off to a healthy start. Visit Let’s Move!
Jun 2, 2011: Let’s Move! Embraces New Food Icon – MyPlate MyPlate offers a visual reminder to make healthy food choices when you choose your next meal. Visit Let’s Move!
May 23, 2011: Let’s Move! Gardens & Museums The national initiative will provide opportunities for millions of museum and garden visitors to learn about healthy food choices and physical activity through interactive exhibits and programs. Visit Let’s Move!
April 19, 2011: Healthier US School Challenge. Healthier school environments through nutrition and physical activity. See List of Participating Schools
April 1, 2011: Try Hockey for Free Month: Let’s Move + NHL + USA Hockey = Free Hockey!
November 2010: Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools Salad Bars + Schools = More Fruits & Veggies for Kids!
September 2010: Let’s Move Outside! Help families develop a more active lifestyle.
June 2010: Chefs Move to Schools
May 2010: White House Task Force Releases 70 Recommendations. 10 Things You Can Do
About the Campaign
Fruits and vegetables play a significant role in Let’s Move, as the campaign focuses on helping schools and grocery stores offer better options by introducing more fruits, less sugar, more vegetables, less fat, more knowledge, and fewer empty calories.
The Plan
- Provide accessible and affordable healthy food
- Provide healthier foods in schools
- Help children be more physically active
- Give parents the support they need to teach children about making healthy choices
The Process
- Improve Labeling Methods. Develop FDA-approved labeling methods that are more nutritionally-sound and consumer-friendly [by the end of 2010]. Efforts are already being made for proper labeling on soda fountains and vending machines.
- Reauthorize Child Nutrition Act. Over the next year the USDA will attempt to double the schools that meet the Healthier US Schools Challenge by reauthorizing the Child Nutrition Act in an effort to improve the quality of school meals, increase the number of kids participating, and make sure schools have the resources needed to make changes.
- Encourage Physical Activity. Children need about 60 minutes of play daily. To get this amount, they need safe routes to walk and ride to school, parks, playgrounds, and community centers for after school, as well as sports, dance or fitness programs that are enticing. The President’s Active Lifestyle Program gives incentives to children for exercising 60 minutes, five days/week.
- Increase Access to Proper Nutrition. Lack of access to proper nutrition is a main reason why many children are not eating enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Through the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, $400 million a year will provide financing to bring grocery stores to underserved areas and help convenience stores carry healthier food options.
The Parents … What Can You Do?
Remember This: Eating Habits Your Kids Learn Now … Stick!
Studies have shown that children who learn about proper nutrition and the reasoning behind healthy choices are less likely to be overweight in adulthood. So … be a role model for your children and give them the tools necessary to decrease their risk of developing weight-related diseases. One of the best things you can do is to make eating fruits and vegetables part of your daily balanced diet. Then … help your kids learn about nutrition. Learning at an early age is important and can be fun and one of the best ways to learn … is by doing.
Getting kids involved in meal preparation enhances their interest and increases the chance that they’ll at least try what the help to prepare. Our kid-friendy recipes will stir up some fun while teaching your children science, math, culture and healthy eating habits. Also, direct your kids to our Kids’ Healthy Eating Website for games and other fun ways to learn about and enjoy your fruits and vegetables. Learn more in our Get Kids Involved in Healthy Meal Planning & Shopping section.
And for you? Sign up for our free newsletter – Fruit & Veggie Voice –
and get monthly recipes, nutrition facts and other tools to keep your family happy and healthy.
See 10 Things Parents Can Do to Join Obama’s Efforts
Join America’s More Matters Pledge to Fight Obesity The obesity rate in American children has tripled over the past 30 years, and their expected lifespan is now less than their parents! There are things you can do at home … and at school … to help change this! Take the PLEDGE – Let Us Help You Stop this Trend! |
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