Holiday Drinks With 100% Juice Soothe The Soul & The Body

Whether a cocktail, mocktail, simple fruit punch or fancy specialty drink, treating yourself to a unique fruit juice-based holiday drink can provide rewards that go well beyond the glass. Here are a few ways these healthy holiday drinks can help:

De-stress and Unwind

Whether you share this drink around the table with friends or drink it alone in a quiet place to pamper yourself and get in some quality “me” time, always remember to sip, savor and appreciate your holiday libation. Drinking mindfully will help you stay calm and relaxed. Including 100% juice to your drink provides the extra bonus of vitamin C, a nutrient associated with reducing stress.

Indulge a Little

Often, holidays are a time to enjoy drinks we don’t typically have at home. This year, however, that’s not the case, as stay-at-home restrictions mean that people are looking for ways to treat themselves while remaining in. What better way to spoil yourself than by creating your own special holiday drink? Experiment with your favorite juice or juice blends, (try orange, pineapple, cranberry, apple or pomegranate), complement with sparkling water or other carbonated beverages, determine if you want an alcoholic or nonalcoholic version, and then be sure to finish off your drink with an edible fruit slice garnish.

Find Comfort and Hope

If you are unwilling or unable to treat yourself to an expensive holiday meal, splurging on a holiday drink may be just what you need to give yourself a boost without breaking the bank. It is also the perfect way to start a new family holiday tradition or revisit an old one.

Take Care of Yourself

Drinking 100% juice can help keep you hydrated and provides important vitamins, minerals and plant compounds that can positively impact health and support immunity. It also guarantees that you will add another dose of fruit to your diet.

Taking care of yourself is not only good for your body, it’s also good for your mental health. Celebrate the season in all the ways you can this year by remaining grateful, positive, and merry. And don’t forget to top off that celebration with the added bonus of 100% fruit juice! Find recipes, tips, nutrition benefits, and more at and have a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!

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