About The Buzz: Canned Foods Help Overcome Picky Eating?

TheBUZZ Canned foods help overcome picky eating?


Canned foods play an important role in helping moms get fruits and vegetables on the table and into their kid’s diets.


About 6 in 10 children do not eat enough fruit, and 9 out of 10 children aren’t getting enough vegetables – with intake dropping as children get older.1 A recent survey of moms found that more than two-thirds (67 %) said it was difficult to get their children to eat vegetables in particular.2 Some obstacles include different preferences among family members, lack of support by spouse/partner, and just flat-out refusal by kids to try the food.

A majority of moms consider their children picky eaters (62 %) and more than half (57%) admit their children likely are not eating enough fruits and vegetables.1 Yet, a series of studies with moms and children found that canned foods play an important role in helping moms get fruits and vegetables on the table, and into their kids’ diets.


The Can Manufacturer’s Institute, through its Cans Get You Cooking® program, commissioned a trio of studies targeting moms and children. When a group of moms was given canned foods and recipes incorporating them into meals for the family, daily intake of both canned fruits and vegetables increased by about half.3 In fact, the post-survey found that only 17% of moms found it difficult to get their children to eat vegetables, compared to 67% in the pre-survey. Most importantly, moms agreed that canned foods make it easier to get their children to eat fruits and vegetables each day, especially their picky eaters.3

Rounding out the research was a canned food taste test with 124 children ages 6 to 12. While all six (6) of the canned foods they tasted were rated favorably among the children, the canned fruits in particular (pineapple, mandarin oranges and peaches), as well as canned corn among the vegetables, were the most well-liked.4


Canned fruits and vegetables simply make homemade easy! Canned foods generally help cut down on food preparation and make it easy to get healthy, home-cooked meals on the table fast. Get creative, all you need is a can opener, a strainer and some imagination to turn a couple of cans into a meal. Adding canned salmon or chicken can turn a salad into an entrée, and pasta paired with canned crushed tomatoes and some spices makes a savory dinner or side dish. Fill up your pantry – or “Cantry®” – with your favorite canned produce to help you prepare nutritious, quick, everyday meals for your family.


1 NHANES 2003-2010. View

2 The Role of Canned Produce in Increasing Children and Families’ Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables– In-Home Pressure Test, Can Manufacturers Institute, December 2014.

3 The Role of Canned Produce in Increasing Children and Families’ Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables– Mom’s “Fruit and Vegetable Challenges” Survey, Can Manufacturers Institute, December 2014.

4 The Role of Canned Produce in Increasing Children and Families’ Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables – Canned Fruit and Vegetable Children’s Sensory Test, Can Manufacturers Institute, December 2014.

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