You’ll Give Thanks for These Healthy, Delicious Side Dishes

If you’re like most of the nation, you’ll be spending part of the week prepping for the BIG feast this Thursday.  I know for many of us, this includes the traditional side dishes like mashed potatoes, whipped sweet potatoes, stuffing and green bean casserole to name a few.  All that is fine, but if you’re looking to add more veggies to your holiday table or maybe put a different spin on the old favorites, I’ve got a few ideas for you
I did some research on my favorite recipe spot, Pinterest, and came up with some great suggestions that keep in line with those tried and true side dishes we all love, but freshen them up a bit.  Let’s start with a backbone of any Thanksgiving feast–potatoes.  I know I typically serve mashed potatoes at my house, but take a look at this recipe for Roasted Fingerling Potatoes and Shallots.  It’s hard to pass this up with the crispy skins from roasting, plus the flavor from the shallots.  I’m betting this goes perfectly with the roasted turkey.
Roasted fingerling potatoes
 Another tradition is sweet potato casserole–the typical mashed sweet potatoes that are topped with marshmallows.  I’m not knocking this dish, but check out these Hasselback Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.  You still get that savory-sweet flavor, but I love this presentation!  Plus, the addition of the apples, pecans and cranberries really adds to the flavor and texture.
stuffed sweet potatoes
Speaking of casseroles, I know a lot of folks serve the traditional green bean casserole this time of year.  In place of this, why not try this recipe for Green Beans in Mushroom Sauce?  This is a healthier version and you’ll get the added bonus of all those delicious mushrooms!
green beans
Another delicious side dish to serve that is as festive looking as it is tasty, is Squash with Pecans and Cranberries from Fruits and Veggies–More Matters.  This recipe incorporates a blend of winter squash (including pumpkin), dried cranberries and pecans for a flavorful dish that will impress your guests.
I encourage you to experiment a bit this Thanksgiving and try something different with your side dishes.  You might be surprised at the response you get and may even start some new family traditions!  Enjoy your holiday.
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