Take Your Child to the Supermarket Day
We’ve developed these supermarket activities to help you introduce fruits and vegetables to your kids. Just print and plan a trip to the store!
Eat Your Colors Everyday! It’s important to eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables everyday. In this activity, your child will try to find five [5] different fruits and vegetables in each of five [5] color groups. Download Chart |
I’m Stuck on Fruits & Veggies Have your child collect the PLU stickers from each piece of fruit or veggie s/he eats at home and place them on a space on our “I’m Stuck on Fruits & Veggies” card. When the card is full, give your child a special treat, then begin another card! Download Card |
All Forms Count! Fruits and vegetables come in many different forms. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and 100% juice … and they’re all good for you! Have your child find and check off the fruits and veggies as you go through the supermarket! Download Chart |
Take the Pledge
Supermarket Advice
How Much Do You Need?
Dietary Guidelines for Americans