Pump Up the Nutrition of Your Oatmeal
It can be tough to get going on cold winter mornings and we’ve had plenty of them this year in my neck of the woods! I find that a hearty bowl of oatmeal can warm me up while giving me a boost of energy to start my day. There are plenty of ready-made options you can purchase in your local supermarket, but if you want to really treat yourself to a breakfast that will not only taste better, but provide you with more fiber and vitamins, I’ve got some homemade options to try.
First of all, start with rolled oats that you cook rather than the instant stuff in the packet. Then, add some fruit to your oatmeal. Dried fruit like raisins, dried cranberries or dried apricots work really well. Next, throw in some nuts for protein. I love slivered almonds or chopped walnuts. I also love to top my oatmeal with a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar. It’s a simple and easy preparation, tastes much better than the instant variety and provides more fiber/vitamins. You can replace the dried fruit with fresh fruit like sliced banana if you choose, chopped apple or pear, sliced peaches or mixed berries. The options are endless–you’re only limited by your imagination.
Here is a great recipe for Blueberry Banana Nut Oatmeal. Fruit and nuts, flavored with a touch of vanilla makes this a winner.
Another way to boost your oatmeal is to add pureed fruit like applesauce or pumpkin puree. Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal pumpkin puree as well as pumpkin pie spice–you’ll think you’re eating a dessert instead of a nutritious breakfast!

Another option, which uses fresh berries is this recipe for Strawberry Shortcake Oatmeal. You top this oatmeal with Greek yogurt and berries for a fresh twist to your oatmeal.
We’ve got another month or so of winter left so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to try a few of these tasty recipes. I think once you start preparing you’re own oatmeal, you’ll never want to go back to the instant again.