Make Your Health A Priority

We’ve all done it (I know I have!)–we’re too busy to exercise or cook a healthy meal.  Yet, we somehow find time to fit in other things we want to do.  It’s all about priorities and typically maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be one of the first things to get sacrificed when life gets hectic.  I bring this up because we’re about to get into the crazy season of back-to-school, fall sports practices and countless other responsibilities that limit our free time.  While it may be more difficult, what we need to do is adjust our schedules and plan accordingly so that our health doesn’t take a back seat to the demands of the season.

I know it’s tough, but it can be done and whenever I start to waiver I think about my friend Ben who drives for a living.  His profession can demand that he be on the road for up to two months at a time.  Talk about throwing your schedule for a loop!  He’s told me stories about many other drivers who are in poor health because of food choices they make while on the road as well as lack of exercise.  It would make sense because of the nature of the job, but Ben decided early on that he would make his health a priority.  He buys a variety of fruits and vegetables, keeps them in a mini refrigerator in his cab and relies on the microwave at truck stops and convenience stores for cooking methods.  He also eats a lot of salads with canned tuna or hard boiled eggs.  Snacks are fresh fruit, dried fruit and nuts or applesauce.  When he gets a few hours to himself, he’ll spend it exploring the town he’s in, walking around and getting some exercise.

Ben is certainly not the stereotypical driver, but after seeing the long term effects that poor health choices have had on his colleagues, he’s determined he won’t make the same mistakes.  I know he’s glad when he’s home and it’s much easier to make healthy choices, but with some extra planning and effort he’s been able to sustain a healthy lifestyle whether at home or on the road.

If you’re up to the challenge, Fruits & Veggies–More Matters has some tips to make it a bit easier for you.  The Healthy Meal Planning Guide has tons of great advice on pulling together healthy meals quickly and keeping them within your budget.  Take a minute to check it out before things get crazy next month and you’ll be ready to take on your hectic schedule.

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