don’t know how to cook but want to get more veggies in our diet. I don’t know anything about veggies so I never know how to pick them when shopping or how to cook them so that my 5 year old will eat them. Can you help?
Many vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked, and children often prefer them raw. You might choose one new vegetable each week, look it up in our database here to see how to select and store it, then check here for recipes for both cooked and raw vegetables that you might enjoy. Children learn by example, so your enjoying them will only help. Getting your child involved with choosing the vegetable at the store then preparing it at home may also be helpful. S/he can wash vegetables, tear lettuce for a salad, and add ingredients to mixing bowls. Dipping is something that children often enjoy. Try baby carrots, celery sticks, broccoli, or cucumber slices in ranch dressing. Peanut butter, salsa and applesauce also make good dips. Congratulations on making the effort- it is important for your family’s health.