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The Big Game is behind us, so now we shift our focus to our favorite basketball teams! Fruits and vegetables may not be first on your mind for your game-watching parties, but giving them a priority place on the table can help add flavor, color and a refreshing texture to your spread.

While you’re closely following the tournament’s bracket this season, follow along with us for some buzzer-beating additions to your snack boards!

Carrot Basketball Center

Carrots are a perfect addition for any basketball-themed charcuterie board. If you’re looking for a simple, yet eye-catching center for your graze boards try making a carrot basketball platter. Simply spread your favorite dip on the bottom of a circular serving bowl. Then layer on some sliced olives in a plus sign formation, followed by semi-circles in each corner. Then choose your favorite carrot variety (shredded, baby, crinkle cut all work great) and cover all the open spaces. Orange bell pepper slices would work here too, or you could totally change it up and do a base of fruit dip with sliced cantaloupe or clementine slices and sliced dark grapes on top.

Slam Dunk Dips

Speaking of dips, better-for-you dips can be a perfect vehicle for getting more vegetables into your game day celebrations. Hummus, salsa, and guacamole are classics and just happen to be veggie-centric! Dairy-based dips can be served alongside sliced vegetables or with homemade veggie ‘fries’.

Hand-Eye Color-Coordination

Need a straightforward way to include more fruits and vegetables on game day? Color coordinate your choices with your team’s mascot or jerseys when possible. On your graze or snack boards, select two main colors and find fruits, vegetables, dips and other items to showcase.

Snack Crafts

Looking for ways to include the kids in your snack set up? First take an orange-colored fruit cup, such as mandarin oranges or peaches. Grab a black permanent marker and draw one curved line across the middle of the flat side of the cup. Then draw on straight line down through the first, followed by two quarter circles on the left and right sides. This is a quick and easy themed snack!

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