Produce for Better Health Foundation Salutes Extraordinary Farmers and Growers Who Bring Fruits and Vegetables to Americans Nationwide
Katie Toulouse, Marketing & Communications Director
Produce for Better Health Foundation
[email protected]
New “Celebrate The Roots Of Our Food: Farmers & Growers Salute” Campaign Will Showcase How the Women, Men and Families of Agriculture Support Healthy, Happy Lives by Bringing Fruits and Vegetables to Our Tables
May 26, 2020 – The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) is excited to lead the industry in a virtual salute to farmers and growers, who are truly at the “root” of the fruits and vegetables Americans enjoy every day. Across the agricultural supply chain, farmers and growers work tirelessly to bring fruits and vegetables to Americans’ tables to fuel health and happiness, in any and all conditions. PBH’s new campaign, “Celebrate The Roots Of Our Food: Farmers & Growers Salute,” will celebrate the essential work of these agricultural leaders, by bringing their story to life through creative digital and social activations.
“At PBH, we are committed to honoring the incredible farmers and growers who truly work around the clock to ensure Americans can enjoy delicious and nutritious fruits and vegetables, in these historically unsure times, and always,” says Wendy Reinhardt Kapsak, MS, RDN, PBH president and CEO. “With PBH’s unique consumer and influencer following, we are well-positioned to honor their extraordinary efforts by shining the spotlight on their stories to bring fruits and vegetables to our tables.”
The four-week campaign will be unveiled throughout PBH’s digital ecosystem – including its Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn channels, as well as on, in mid-June. PBH will also partner with its elite network of 24 influencers – the Fruit and Vegetable Ambassadors in Action (FVAA) – to join the campaign by celebrating farmers and growers in new recipes and meal-planning resources, along with social media takeovers and original video content, on their platforms and in PBH channels.
CALL FOR CONTENT: PBH invites the broad-based fruit and vegetable industry to share their unique and compelling agricultural stories to be featured throughout the campaign. Whether it’s a short video, written stories, or photos, PBH encourages those interested to submit their ideas via email to [email protected] by Friday, June 5. And, the stories don’t need to be expertly edited! PBH is inviting authentic, real-life examples of the passion farmers and growers put into bringing fruits and vegetables to the table, to bring this celebration to life across its website and social channels.
“At PBH, we’re honored to work with farmers and growers who are such an inspiration to the fruit and vegetable community,” says Katie Toulouse, PBH marketing and communications director. “Their commitment is at the root of our mission, to help people enjoy more fruits and vegetables every day, and we’re thrilled to bring their stories to life across our dynamic social media platforms and through our unique influencer network.”
The “Celebrate The Roots Of Our Food: Farmers & Growers Salute” campaign builds on the momentum and success generated by PBH’s Food Rooted In A Better MoodTM campaign that was launched in April to deliver entertaining, bite-sized steps people can take to lighten their mood with food, particularly fruits and vegetables. In just four weeks, the Food Rooted In A Better MoodTM campaign reached hundreds of thousands of people through digital and social ecosystem engagements – inspiring people with creative ways to enjoy fruits and vegetables, while lifting their spirits through interactive plant-packed social content and activities.
As part of the campaign, PBH conducted a nationwide, online survey to understand how people connect with food to boost their mood. The nationally representative survey found that nearly two-thirds of Americans say they feel that their emotional health improves when they regularly include plant foods, like fruits and vegetables, into meals and snacks. Beyond feeling healthier, nearly half of Americans report feeling happier when regularly eating fruits and vegetables.[1]
“In these unprecedented times, food – particularly fruits and veggies – can serve as a source of comfort to help decrease stress and lighten our mood,” says Reinhardt Kapsak. “These findings clearly show that, now more than ever, people are looking for ways to Have A Plant® more often, for better health and happiness.”
For more information on how to engage with PBH and its social media campaigns, as well as PBH’s Fruit and Vegetable Ambassadors in Action (FVAA) and broad-based retail and foodservice influencer network, please contact Katie Toulouse, PBH Marketing and Communications Director.
About the Produce for Better Health Foundation
Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), a nonprofit 501(c)(3), is the only national organization dedicated to helping consumers live happier, healthy lives by eating more fruits and vegetables, including fresh, frozen, canned, dried and 100% juice, every single day.
Since 1991, PBH has invested decades into developing trended insights on attitudes toward all forms of fruit and vegetable consumption, in addition to campaigns and partnerships with government, food industry stakeholders, health professionals and other thought leaders to collaborate, facilitate and advocate for increased intake. Campaigns included first, the 5-A-Day program, and then, the Fruits & Veggies—More Matters public health initiative. While five fruits and vegetables each day is great advice, and more will always matter, PBH’s new behavior-based call-to-action is Have A Plant®. Rooted in behavioral science, PBH’s transformative Have A Plant® movement is an invitation that will inspire people with compelling reasons to believe in the powerful role fruits and vegetables can play to create happy, healthy and active lives.
Be sure to join the Have A Plant® movement and get new recipes, snack hacks, meal ideas and other tips from chefs, registered dietitians, as well as food and wellness experts by visiting Follow us on Facebook @fruitsandveggies; on Twitter @fruits_veggies; on Instagram @fruitsandveggies; on Pinterest @fruits_veggies; and on LinkedIn at Produce for Better Health Foundation. And remember to #haveaplant.
[1] Padilla’s Spotlight Omnibus Survey for week ending May 1, 2020.