Make Your Own Applesauce

This week I welcome a recipe and blog input from Dana Davis, founder and president of Tyger Sales and Marketing.
Dana is a strong advocate of the fresh fruit and vegetable industry with more than 12 years experience working with produce companies.
Dana is married and has a 5-year-old son so she is always looking for ways to incorporate fruits and veggies into her family meals.
She has some terrific ideas and recipes–this week she shares with us her recipe for homemade applesauce–one of her son’s favorites!
And, with that I will turn it over to Dana:

In order to increase my family’s consumption of fruits and veggies, I like to use produce in creative ways.
I like to make my own pickles from fresh cucumbers and my son loves freshly squeezed orange juice.
Hopefully some of my quick and easy recipes will help inspire you to adding more produce to your diet.

Let’s start with apples.
I purchase apples regularly for my family.
Sometimes we cut them up and top them with peanut butter.
Other times we make apple schnitz or dried apples in our dehydrator.
Sometimes I peel, slice and add them to a pot on low heat to melt into naturally sweetened applesauce, which is what I’d like to share with you.

To make applesauce, you simply need apples and cinnamon!
Not only is this recipe easy, but clean up is a snap too (always a good thing!).

  • Wash, peel and core about 3 pounds of apples.
  • Chop apples into 1/4 inch slices and add to a pot over low heat.
  • Cover with lid and check apples every ten minutes–stir.
  • When the apples start to mash easily when stirred, finish them off with a potato masher.
  • Stir in 2 tablespoons of cinnamon.
  • Cool slightly and enjoy!


This recipe yields approximately 1 quart.

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