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Make This Plate: Chicken with Spicy Mango Sauce

Make Half Your Plate Fruits & Veggies

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Make this Chicken with Spicy Mango Sauce Plate
Sautéed Mango, Brussels Sprouts and Chicken with Spicy Mango Sauce Get Recipe
Nonfat Milk

Plate Cost for 4 People
$14.64 ($3.66/serving)*

Click to view larger image of Sautéed Mango, Brussels Sprouts and Chicken with Spicy Mango Sauce: Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits & Veggies : Fruits And Veggies More

Fruits & Veggies per Serving
1.5 Cups

Featured Recipe
Sautéed Mango, Brussels Sprouts and
Chicken with Spicy Mango Sauce

Recipe Cost for 4 People: $13.40 ($3.35/serving)*

Nutrition Info
Calories: 590
Total Fat: 12g
Saturated Fat: 2.5g
% of Calories from Fat: 18%
% Calories from Sat Fat: 4%
Protein: 42g
Carbohydrates: 80g
Cholesterol: 75mg
Dietary Fiber: 9g
Sodium: 530mg

MyPlate Contributions
.5 cup
1 cup
1.5 oz
3 oz
1 cup

Each Serving Provides: An excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, thiamin, riboflavin niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine and copper, and a good source of vitamin E and iron.

Learn More About Mangoes
See Nutrition Info, Selection & Storage Tips

Learn More About Garlic
See Nutrition Info, Selection & Storage Tips

Learn More About Brussels Sprouts
See Nutrition Info, Selection & Storage Tips

Grocery List for this Meal

Fresh Produce   1 pint, 16 oz. Del Monte® diced mangoes
½-¾ pound Brussels sprouts
3 cloves garlic
1 bunch cilantro
Dairy   1 quart nonfat milk
Herbs/Dressings/Oils/Baking   Peanut oil
Rice vinegar
Soy sauce, less sodium
Thai chili garlic sauce
Bread/Pasta   1 bag brown rice

Healthy Resources

*Retail prices, Boulder, Colorado, and online, Winter 2017.

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